Monday, March 06, 2006

Spring on the Brain

It's March... so Spring can't be too far away, can it? Must admit to having the early stages of Spring fever.... so I decided to post a crocus. I know it's a bit early, but all my bulbs are up at least 2 inches in the garden. If it snows now, it won't be good for them!
Got my copy of "Pride and Prejudice" this week.... I love that movie. Watched it twice already. I was hoping that it might garner an Oscar for Keira K. but no such luck. However, it will always rank as one of my top picks to watch!

Think Spring!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

What pretty flowers! I can hardly believe you guys have lovely purple flowers showing their faces, when we have so much stinking snow!!! Arggg! I've watched P&P twice too! Nate just smiled at me when he came home yesterday and I was in the middle of watching it again! (and yet, he got sucked into it, yet again!) I was hoping Keira would win too, but it was nice to see Witherspoon to win -- she was amazing in Walk the Line! (great movie by the way!! Especially because the actors did all their own vocals and instrumentals) On a different note, Does it bother you, as much as it does me, that the "Behind the scenes at the ball" feature on the P&P DVD has nothing to do with that topic? ????
Love ya! :)