Monday, July 30, 2007

My 100th Entry! And it's all about swimming elephants!

Today was the day we went to the zoo! And what a great day it was! We arrived about 10:30 am and decided to see what we could see before the heat and/or tired kidlets made us stop. Well, we stayed until an impressive 2:15pm and then we went home, ate a belated lunch and swam until 6. Then we ate AGAIN (did I mention my grandsons like to eat?!?) and then Asher hit the hay by 7:15 and Gabe lasted till 8:30.

The boys did great! We saw.... penguins, puffins, bears, elephants, hyenas, anteaters, hippos, rhinos, cheetahs, leopards, prairie dogs, big turtles, snakes, fish, seal lions, and monkeys. We ate ice cream, frozen cherry fanta, water, chips, apple juice, and golden grahams. We got t-shirts with elephants on them and rode on the zoo train! It was a total zoo experience! What follows are just a few of our exciting photos!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

CUUUUTE photos! You guys look like you had a blast!!! Oh, I miss them so much! But I'm glad to see that they're having a super fun time! Wow, ice cream, animals AND trains! The perfect day for a little boy! You guys are the coolest grandparents ever! :)