Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Joys

It goes almost without saying that this Christmas was a very special one for us. We had the whole family together for an entire week of fun and laughter. There's nothing quite as good as having little ones around to make the entire holiday seem much brighter and happier.

Gretchen and Leon continue to await the arrival of their little girl. Will it happen in the New Year or before? We wait and see. Meanwhile, everyone was home and happy and healthy!

This goes into the record books as one of our top Christmases ever!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Things You Can Learn from the Flu

In no particular order... these are things I learned in the past 24 hrs.

10. Germs are no respecter of persons.
9. Tossing up one's cookies is less fun than baking cookies.
8. You can't do crossword puzzles or grade papers with a flu-induced headache.
7. Daytime television is a vast wasteland.
6. Dogs can't catch the flu; so they make good company while you have it.
5. Yogurt for 3 meals a day is boring.
4. Flat Vernors is a flu victim's best friend.
3. My husband is the best sympathy giver there ever was!
2. After 8 hours of nausea, eating a slice of bread is like having steak.
1. Thinking you dodged the flu a week after your spouse had it is a piece of fanciful but false logic!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Things worth smiling about

Today (this morning actually) marked the end of a delightful visit by our daughter Kate and family. Since Dec. 2nd we had her, Rhylah, and Asher with us as they came down to be at Gretchen's baby shower. Then on the 8th, Nathan and Gabe came down too in order to take Gabe to his first Boar's Head Festival at Immanuel. It was SUCH a fun week. We just had all the time we wanted to visit, play with the kids, relax, and enjoy one another's company! It was wonderful. Rhylah was a delight - she's changed so much already even at only 8 weeks old! They all went home this a.m. - but in less than 2 weeks they'll be back for Christmas! We can't wait!