Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Joys

It goes almost without saying that this Christmas was a very special one for us. We had the whole family together for an entire week of fun and laughter. There's nothing quite as good as having little ones around to make the entire holiday seem much brighter and happier.

Gretchen and Leon continue to await the arrival of their little girl. Will it happen in the New Year or before? We wait and see. Meanwhile, everyone was home and happy and healthy!

This goes into the record books as one of our top Christmases ever!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Things You Can Learn from the Flu

In no particular order... these are things I learned in the past 24 hrs.

10. Germs are no respecter of persons.
9. Tossing up one's cookies is less fun than baking cookies.
8. You can't do crossword puzzles or grade papers with a flu-induced headache.
7. Daytime television is a vast wasteland.
6. Dogs can't catch the flu; so they make good company while you have it.
5. Yogurt for 3 meals a day is boring.
4. Flat Vernors is a flu victim's best friend.
3. My husband is the best sympathy giver there ever was!
2. After 8 hours of nausea, eating a slice of bread is like having steak.
1. Thinking you dodged the flu a week after your spouse had it is a piece of fanciful but false logic!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Things worth smiling about

Today (this morning actually) marked the end of a delightful visit by our daughter Kate and family. Since Dec. 2nd we had her, Rhylah, and Asher with us as they came down to be at Gretchen's baby shower. Then on the 8th, Nathan and Gabe came down too in order to take Gabe to his first Boar's Head Festival at Immanuel. It was SUCH a fun week. We just had all the time we wanted to visit, play with the kids, relax, and enjoy one another's company! It was wonderful. Rhylah was a delight - she's changed so much already even at only 8 weeks old! They all went home this a.m. - but in less than 2 weeks they'll be back for Christmas! We can't wait!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pumpkin Pies and Thankful Hearts

As I write this, the smell of pumpkin pies baking is wafting through the house. It is late on the night before Thanksgiving and I am the only one still up. Gretchen and Ed completed stage one of feast preparation tonight in a cooking extravaganza in her kitchen. Listening to them laugh and talk as they worked made my heart light. They have so much fun in the kitchen that it ought to be illegal! They sure can't call it work! Tomorrow we will definitely be eating ourselves silly, and so tonight I can't help but feel a bit more reflective.

There are many things that I am thankful for this year... and it is good to be able to say that. My husband, my kids, my grandchildren (and soon to be arriving grandchild), my work, my students, my home, my church, my community, my country.... wow, it's all mine! I am rich beyond measure!

Thanksgiving is and will always remain one of my very favorite holidays. No stress beyond a dinner, no shopping beyond the groceries, and nothing to do all day but enjoy the food and fellowship of those we love. THAT is a perfect holiday! I keep promising myself that I'll find a way to make Christmas a less complicated holiday too... so far with much less success... but it's something to strive for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! May your blessings outnumber your cares and may we ALL have more thankful hearts in the coming year!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ahhhh Fall!

Fall arrived in Missouri since my last post. It was a long-awaited thing too. Finally the temps cooled, the trees started to turn into something quite gorgeous, and the it was sweater and bonfire weather. Weekends at the vineyard became something to look forward to as they meant relaxing and enjoying a sunset with friends. Check out the latest shots!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The true things... or "Tag, I'm it"

I was tagged the other day by a good friend whose blog I regularly read and challenged to post Seven True Things about myself. Interesting.... well, at least hers were interesting... and she "tagged" me to go and do likewise. So here goes:

1. I have never walked past a bookstore without at least dipping a toe into the place for a few minutes and browsing. Is there a technical word for a "book addict?"

2. I have an insatiable fondness for noodles and butter... specifically Creamettes brand elbow mac and Land O' Lakes butter.

3. I am deathly afraid of open high spaces... which makes the idea of flying on a dragon with Dawn G. a bit impossible for me. (unless when the magical dragon arrives my fear also magically goes away.)

4. I have a soft spot for animals... which is how I came to have 2 cockatiels of which neither my husband nor I are excessively fond, but in a moment of weakness..... well, let's just say they live a LONG time.

5. I plan to put a stamp in my passport at least once a year from my 50th year until I can no longer hobble onto an airplane. (I really love flying... planes are ENCLOSED heights!- see?)

6. I deeply admire the women my daughters have become.

7. If I could do one thing for an entire week it would be KNITTING! Ahhhh... that would be grand!

Next, I TAG Katrina and Gretchen.... Time to post your seven true things! I'd tag my best buddy Carol... but she only READS blogs and doesn't write one!

The Importance of Being Earnest... and Finished!

Last night was the closing performance of the LHS Fall play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. Gretchen directed and the show sold out both nights. The challenge of all this was balancing our concern for Gret with her need to see this project through to completion. I am happy to report that all went well, Gret is fine, and the show was quite a hit with the audience. I must also add that I will totally enjoy this coming week so much more having done last week.... I am beginning to appreciate being able to say that I am a bit too old to run that sort of schedule anymore. Fun as the show was, I am ready for some down time and I KNOW Gret is!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Buddy...

In honor of him being "almost 2" this post is dedicated to my adorable middle grandchild... Asher. His dad caught these shots for me while he was standing near the back door on our last day there earlier this month and I just had to collage them. I love his expressions! Every little nuance of his feelings just comes out on his sweet little face. It captures my heart just to look at him!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Aaaahhhh Chooo... and Silence is Golden

Well... I hab a code!
Fortunately, I came down with it well after I left my grandchildren last Friday.
Unfortunately (or depending on who you are) it has given me laryngitis, partially plugged ears, a nasty cough, and a stuffy head. YUCK! So today...I missed work, which I was not planning to do since I "burned" all my personal days last week. So my cold is costing me about $60 (unless I can convince my boss to feel sorry for me). The worst part is.. I HATE BEING SICK!!!! (but I guess I can't name anyone who likes to be sick... never personally met a hypochondriac!) Sigh, sniffle... so my husband and students are enjoying a day without the lilting sounds of my voice.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Just one more picture...

Tomorrow I go back to work after a truly unforgettable week of time spent with my grandsons and my new granddaughter. It was wonderful to be able to share such a special moment with Katrina and her family in Sheboygan. Ed and I were again amazed at the miracle of God's gift of life. So tiny, so alive, so beautiful! I miss the kids like crazy already and just had to post one more pick taken on Thursday before we left. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Welcome Home Rhylah!

Rhylah arrived home just a little past noon today. We were all very excited to welcome her! She was all dressed in pink and slept through all the excitement, however.

Grandparents Day

Yesterday (Oct.10) we got to go to our first Grandparents Day! Gabe attends Kindergarten at Trinity Lutheran School in Sheboygan. We spent the morning visiting class and even got to eat lunch at school. It was a weird sort of feeling being on the opposite side of the "teacher fence" as it were.

After the morning festivities, we stopped up to the hospital to visit Kate and Rhylah. Asher got to "hold" the baby with a little help from mom and grandma. It was a special time for him and he's totally infatuated with his "baby Ree-lah", as he calls her.

Monday, October 08, 2007

It's been such a perfect day!

Katrina and Rhylah have completed most of their first day together. It's been a lovely day in Sheboygan... sunny, warm, and SO happy. We visited with the baby and Kate this morning and then went back to the hospital after dinner and spent another hour. Gabriel can't get enough of holding the baby. He just grins so sweetly and rocks her. This has been the most fun to watch because when Asher was born, Gabe was just three himself and he was too shy to hold the baby. Ash, being two, is a bit oblivious the all the hooplah. He walks around saying "Real-ah" and "Baby" and has touched her hands and kissed her cheek. However, he is more concerned with snuggling up next to his mommy when we visit the hospital. I am sure once his new sister comes home, he'll figure out that this "new baby" thing is long term and for real. All in all a most exciting and perfect day!

Welcome to our world, Rhylah Sabrine!

The photos say it all... Little Rhylah arrived with a healthy cry at 7:40am... she weighs 9#15oz and is 21.5" long! And she's already stolen her big brothers' hearts!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

I Love a Parade!

Homecoming was lots of fun this year. The newest thing done was the first ever LHS Homecoming Parade! Now, mind you, this wasn't the longest parade you will ever see... but it was certainly well attended and everyone who came had fun! And, in spite of all the jokes made earlier in the week, as soon as the drum line started the march cadence, everyone stepped a little livelier and excitement was in the air! You have to love a parade!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Too long... too long... and TOO HOT!

I am remiss... I am lazy.... I am a bad bloggin' grammy! I look at my kids' blogs daily and sigh when nothing is there.. but here I am letting nearly a month pass without a word of my own! Is my life so uninteresting? (in a word... yes...)

I am tired of school already... and September is not even over yet! My kids are okay... my classes are okay... but I am not really all here! It is the autumn of my discontent. The weird thing is that Ed is in a bit of the same mood as well. We need a pick-me-up.. or a good swift kick in the pants! I am not sure which.

Today was a day spent entirely in faculty meetings. Planning curriculum... now THERE's a project that will make you start babbling and crying! But this too shall pass.

It would help a great deal if the 90 degree temps would GO AWAY. It is time for sweaters, crunchy leaves, and cool nights. I need it to come SOON! This endless summer is creepy.... global warming is real and I hate it! COME ON FALL... get with it!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Bella Notte! August 24th, 2007

I am a little behind in getting this post placed, but wanted to post the first ever "Taste of Tuscany" Dinner held at Rolling Meadows. The dinner was purchased by the Hoenigs and 3 other couples at the LHS Dinner Auction last March. The date was finally set for Aug.24th. The candles were lit and Italian music was playing in the background, as my best friend, Carol Gaunt, and Gretchen put their phenomenal chef skills to work and created a dinner that will long go down as the most sumptious ever served in our little dining room!

It all began with Antipasti and Bruschetta starters with a wine tasting and walk in the vineyard as the sun set low in the west. Next came salad... a pear and bleu cheese with light balsmaic/vinagrette dressing, then a dash of sherbet and champagne to prep the palate for the next course. The main course included fire-grilled Tuscan vegetables, Italian Saliccia roasted and served on cheesy bread, and Spinach and Cheese Cannelloni. All served with the diner's choice of wine. Finally, dessert was a parfait of chocolate brownies, vanilla icecream, and raspberries, layered with homemade hot fudge! OH MY it was good!

The Rohlfings, the Schmidts, the Boyers, and the Hoenigs arrive for their "Taste of Tuscany!"

A pretty table awaited the guests.

First comes the antipasti!

Gretchen and Carol were in their element assembling this dinner!

Ed took the diners on a tour of RMV wines.

Labor Day - Relaxing with Friends

I absolutely LOVE Labor Day weekend! It's right up there with the 4th of July! You don't shop, send cards, or feel frantic... you just relax, kick back, and "honor the American Laborer"! Hey that's us... we labor! We teach the laborers of the future too! So this Labor Day weekend we started by having dinner with our friends out at the vineyard. We drank wine and ate bruschetta till we thought we'd burst. Then we ate pasta, grilled Italian sausages, and salad... and of course, drank some more wine. Then we cued up the deer to romp in the meadow and it was a perfect evening! You gotta love Labor Day!

Everyone took a walk near sunset.

Isaiah is the cutest!

A classic Gaunt grin!

Just as we told about our deer herd... on cue, enter stage left... one deer!

Then when we had a good fifteen minutes to watch her, she decided to romp away.

Harvest at Rolling Meadows - 2007

Well, it was a strange year for grapes. It all began to go crazy back last Easter with a killing freeze. (that was good-bye to the red grapes). Next came a drought, followed by 3 weeks of record high temps which bumped harvest up nearly 2 weeks. Somewhere in there we also attracted the attention of a herd of 14 deer who LOVE to eat grapes. Bottom line... it took only 1 weekend to harvest what we usually take 3-4 weekends to harvest. However, thanks to a little help from 3 of our students... we had a great time bringing in the Seyvals and the Niagaras. And remember... there's always NEXT year!

Stacey hunts for Niagaras.

Zach enjoyed driving the tractor.

Ed ran the press.

Eric loads another lug into the crusher/destemmer.

Here comes a nice Seyval Blanc.... stage one!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Two times the LOVE!

For those of you who keep up with us, this may be "old news" already. But we are VERY excited that over the course of three months, from early Oct. to mid Jan., we are going to be blessed with the arrival of TWO granddaughters! Kate's baby is due Oct. 8th... a sister to join Asher and Gabe! And Gretchen and Leon learned this week that their first child will be a daughter as well!
Her name will be Sydney Grace, and she will arrive sometime around January 19th. To see her first picture... hit the link to Jameson's Journeys on the left side bar of this blog. We are, of course, SO thrilled at all this wonderful news. Grandchildren are one of the best things in our lives! (their parents are pretty cool too.)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

School Daze - year 26

Today marked the beginning of classes for my 26th year of teaching. When I look at that number, I think about when I was just starting to teach and we would celebrate anniversaries of that nature for the older teachers who always seemed VASTLY older than I feel today! Funny how time changes your perspective.

My students today all seemed rather excited to be back in school. That is no small thing when one considers that I teach seniors all day and by Christmas they will all be wanting to move on to college as fast as they can! I overheard one of them yell to another in the hall... "I've got AP Lit and it's SO COOL!" - I hope she feels that way in another month or two.

We are still in the throes of a heatwave here in St. Louis. Today the temps hit 105! Breaking a 34 yr. old record for hot days. It's rather scary to consider how much longer this heat may continue. We are all praying the cooler weather comes soon.

The photo was taken of Ed and I this past July. Hope our "school photos" come out half as well! To all of you who have to go back to the books this month... God bless!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Miss Them Already!

My grandsons have been on their way back home for about 5 hrs. now and I am missing them already! We had such fun for the past 9 days. It was wonderful being able to spend full days with them, getting to know their routines, likes and dislikes, and planning little surprises for them along the way. Both of them are so fun-loving! We can't get over how quickly the week flew by!
A few more "pool shots" and such taken after mom and dad arrived back from Florida.

Monday, July 30, 2007

My 100th Entry! And it's all about swimming elephants!

Today was the day we went to the zoo! And what a great day it was! We arrived about 10:30 am and decided to see what we could see before the heat and/or tired kidlets made us stop. Well, we stayed until an impressive 2:15pm and then we went home, ate a belated lunch and swam until 6. Then we ate AGAIN (did I mention my grandsons like to eat?!?) and then Asher hit the hay by 7:15 and Gabe lasted till 8:30.

The boys did great! We saw.... penguins, puffins, bears, elephants, hyenas, anteaters, hippos, rhinos, cheetahs, leopards, prairie dogs, big turtles, snakes, fish, seal lions, and monkeys. We ate ice cream, frozen cherry fanta, water, chips, apple juice, and golden grahams. We got t-shirts with elephants on them and rode on the zoo train! It was a total zoo experience! What follows are just a few of our exciting photos!