Anyone who has doubts about the divine genius behind Creation needs to take a good look at their big toe... or any toe actually! I have recently been doing a lot of meditating about toes! Now before you think I've gone off my noodle, I need to explain to those who don't know me all that well that I've recently (July 24th) undergone a "surprise" surgery on my right big toe. It wasn't anticipated and it's been a rather interesting thing to see my foot revive and rehab from this experience. (It probably goes with my previous post about courage... huh?)
The point is, toes are relatively easy to ignore until they don't work correctly, or you stub them on something, or you have to have them temporarily disabled! I have a new appreciation for the miracle of a toe. How balancing fully on your foot makes the rest of you line up rightly and walk without fatigue. When you can't do any of that even for a short while, you marvel at how something so small can impact you so greatly!
I am not posting a photo of my post-surgical toe...some things are better left to the imagination. But as of Friday, I am back into shoes... even if they are tennis shoes and walking relatively pain free. The next big day will be when I can fully bend all my right foot's toes... stay tuned!