Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!!

Okay.... time to start with a confession.... I totally stole this photo from my daughter Kate's blog! That being done... aren't my grandsons the cutest little guys you've ever seen???!!!??? I couldn't be with them this Easter, so I decided to post a photo of them on my site instead! Gabriel called me at 8am this morning to wish his Papa and I a "Happy Easter" and to tell us all about his basket full of goodies that apparently was hiding under a coffee table! He had the task of finding Asher's basket too this year which made the job twice as much fun, I'm sure.

We went to breakfast at church and then to the 9:30 service. The orchestra and choir were absolutely fantastic and brought tears to my eyes several times during the service. We came home, opened all the windows and set the table for Easter dinner which will be a rack of Lamb, asparagus tips, roasted potatoes, green beans almondine, waldorf salad, and a lemon chiffon cake. (don't worry, I'll take a picture!) It's presently 82 cozy degrees outside and headed for the near 90's... so we've jumped from spring right to summer without much gap between!

Happy Easter to all of you who read this... He is Risen Indeed!


NBHPhoto said...

Hey... Blatant copyright infringment... How am I supposed to make a living? :)

NBHPhoto said...

Happy Easter Mom and dad! I really missed you guys a bunch today! And I also missed curch at Immanuel! But church at St. Paul's was great too! Nate's praise band did an awesome version of Christ the Lord is Risen Today with two trumpets doing a fanfare ... I know that "two trumpets" sounds small compared to Immanuel greatness, but for our church, it was definitely something new! And it was marvelous! MISS YOU BUNCHES!!!!!

Katrina said...

Hey that last comment was from me, not Nathan!! :)

C Staude said...

Well, if your kids weren't so darn cute (and if a certain photographer I know would send me pics... hint hint), I wouldn't have to steal their pics!
Grabbin' Granny!