Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....

It's that jolly time of year again... FINAL EXAMS!
At present, I am sitting in a room filled with students all hunkered over the tool of torture I have devised for them. Today's topic: Mythology! Then they hand them in and they get their revenge... I sit here for 4 hours grading all the papers. There HAS to be a better way, right? Wrong! But by Friday, I will be ready to celebrate Summer! Come back for updates!
Now, see if YOU know:
1. Which Greek goddess was the twin of Apollo?
2. Who was the ugliest Greek god? ... He was lame and deformed when his mother threw him to the earth in disgust (goddesses aren't generally good moms!)
3. Which goddess is known as the protector of marriage and married women? (hint: she's the same goddess who did the damage in #2 above!)
4. Which goddess arose from her father's head fully grown and wearing her battle armor?

If you respond in the comments section I will grade your work too and give you a score. :-)
Answers coming tomorrow! Tune in!


Katrina said...

1. Artemis
2. Hephaestus
3. Hera
4. Athena

Yes, I cheated. :)

C Staude said...

I am shocked, appalled, and giggling my tushy off! You silly kid!

Katrina said...

Yes, but I was right! Right?? It's been a good 9 years since I've taken a test...

DawnK said...

Well, I could google and find the right answers, but I really don't know them off the top of my head. You're done with school on Friday already???? Wow. Sheboygan goes until June 15th, to make up 1 of 2 snow days and 2 cold days. Grrrr.

On the 16th, we are coming to St. Louis. Hubby needs some work done on the VW Passat and he's the guy for the job. Any restaurant or activity suggestions, besides the Arch and the Botanical Gardens?