Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fun with Friends Who will Work for Wine!

Spent a delight weekend just past with good friends from Ft. Wayne. We were together earlier this summer in Indiana to celebrate their daughter's wedding and decided we had to get together again before the summer was over. That weekend coincided with the bottling of our 2008 Seyval out at Rolling Meadows! We spent the day filling, corking, labeling and sealing the new vintage into its bottles and then we had a really nice lunch provided by Gret and Leon who came out to the vineyard to enjoy the afternoon. Two customers made the day an all around success! This new wine is a winner... but sharing it with old friends made it even better!

1 comment:

DawnK said...

Yum! I haven't had a glass of wine, in about forever! My dad used to make wine from a variety of fruits, but mostly Door County cherries. Yum. Now I think he might make some wine, but his real love is brewing his own beer! LOL! We are going to visit them this weekend and maybe I'll get some wine and Gary will get home-brewed beer. I can't wait! Glad you had so much fun!