Monday, October 18, 2010

A lovely Fall day!

Today was a gift, pure and simple! We are at the end of the first quarter at my school, and today was a day off school for "Fall Break"! And what a delightful day it was! I slept an hour longer, got outside for an early morning walk, and got a great deal done around the house to catch up on things! It was SUPER!

A Project Giveaway update: This week's items included a HUGE bag of plastic trash bags off to the recycling bin at my local market, and I took more clothes off to Goodwill as I changed the closets over from Summer to Fall. Sweater weather is here my friends!!! Yahoo! (p.s. - the dog at right is not our pooch, but he's awfully cute in that sweater, don't you think?!)


DawnK said...

Sounds like a lovely day. Today was nice here, but I had to work, so I was stuck inside nearly all day. Glad you got to enjoy yours.

Katrina said...

I was wondering if I knew that dog! It looks like your yard!! :)