Wednesday, January 02, 2013

And A Happy New Year

Wow, what a difference a month makes! When I last wrote we were getting into the Holiday season and so much has happened in the month of December.

First, and sadly the worst, we had to say goodbye to our "fur kid" Chas on the first Sunday in December. He was just a little past 12 years old which everyone tells us is quite old for a greyhound. His heart and health were getting progressively worse and he developed a tumor on his head that could not be treated. It broke our hearts to say goodbye... I held him tightly as he went to sleep. I still cry when I think about him (and as I write this) but can't bring myself to think about another dog just yet. Chas was one of a kind... and our first "empty nest" dog... one that just Ed and I got to spoil. The holidays without him around were quite different and very quiet. No first snow walks or having him at the door all wet and snowy and ready for a treat.

The family kept us quite busy the rest of the month. December included stalking Santa with Sydney who sat and chatted with him not just once, but THREE times! (Great fun!) She had no problem with him asking her repeatedly what she wanted for Christmas and we got some great photos of her each time. You have to enjoy these moments while you can since they don't stay little "Santa lovers" all that long!

School went on hiatus as of Dec. 20th and we looked forward to the long break of 17 days. Ed spent 12 of them run over by some sort of respiratory bug (flu? don't know) that came on within 48 hrs of him getting his flu shot - so of course, we blame that for it. But he pressed on and enjoyed all the holidays and the kids - just tried not to breathe on us all.

First EVERYONE arrived, all the kids, grandkids, Ed's sister, Leon's folks - EVERYONE. The houses filled up, and we got set to celebrate.

Dec. 23rd was the first big day. Leon was ordained as a Lutheran Minister at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Such a wonderful day for all of us. Followed closely by Christmas Eve and Day celebrations. We had SO many happy moments and loads of laughter together.

When everyone left on the 27th and 28th, the house seemed way too quiet. We spent a quiet New Years Eve - which is pretty typical for us. And here we are - it's a new year and 363 days lie ahead that seem filled with possibility. Wishing you and yours all God's blessings as we embark on it together.


Ellie said...


We retrieved your Christmas photo from 2007 which had your blog on it.

We hope everything is going well with you and your family!

We were are so blessed, Chad and his wife received a gift from God a son: Lochlinn David. Lochlinn arrived into their home at a month old and was adopted in April.

Adam and his wife have two sons.

Both Chad and Adam have been married sixteen years now.

Ellie arrived home in April to work at a mental health agency.

Our youngest son Evan will graduate this May with a doctorate in psychology.

Arnie and I went to Nashville, TN last September.

We wish you all the very best from HB. HB won their first State Class C Football Championship at Ford Field in Detroit in 2012.


Arnie & Shirley

Ellie said...

(a side comment) We are unsure how to set up a blog. However, please feel free to use my email account at the bottom of this page. Have a fun, safe and great weekend!

C Staude said...

Couldn't find your email address so am posting here in hopes that you will see it!
How wonderful to hear all the Koehn news! We are well and doing fine too!
Can't quite wrap my head around the idea of Evan having a PhD!! WOW! Time has flown!
Hope you get this,
Claudia & Ed