Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My students amaze me!

Okay, it's time to admit something I don't say very often.... my students amaze me! Tonight I spent 2 blissful hours reading their thoughts on the English Romantic poet John Keats. They were grappling with some pretty huge ideas like life, death, unrealized potential, and whether or not poet's could detach themselves from their personal pain and just immerse themselves in their poetry. Big ideas!!! And amazingly, they did it... and they did it beautifully! They make me feel so hopeful when that happens. I must admit there are times in this technological era in which we find ourselves, that I worry about whether or not anyone will continue to contemplate Keats' words, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty-that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." But every once in awhile, my students give me cause to marvel... and for a moment, I know the words will live on.

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