Monday, July 23, 2007

Stage Three - Week 2 - Flooring Saga Continues

Okay! So it's crunch time on this big project. We have our grandkids arriving in just 2 days for a week long visit... leaving us just today and tomorrow to finish our project. We got behind a bit over the weekend due to some mechanical snafus with some equipment at the vineyard and also due to the fact that old knees overestimated how long they could hold up under the strain of crawling on them for about 5 continuous days. However... the last tile will be on the floor by 2:30 today and the grouting will begin in the kitchen tonight. (with time out in between for Ed to go spray the vineyard.) That being done, we'll have tomorrow to grout and seal the sunroom and start to put the house back together. (It presently looks like a bomb went off in just about every room of the place because we keep moving things to work on flooring!) We shall succeed... we think... provided the boys don't arrive too much before noon on Wednesday.... hey, but if they do, we'll teach 'em how to scrub floors!!! My assessment: Ty what's-his-name on Extreme Home Makeover has NOTHING on the Staude's... we need a TV Show!

This is our kitchen floor with NO flooring.. pretty scary! I say it looks like an Jackson Pollack "dark mood" painting.

Kitchen with new tiles down extended into the garage entryway. Are you in awe of our skills yet?

Ed doing his best impression of a floor "elf" from Harry Potter.... behold the man with bionic knees!

Sunroom tile VERY near completion at approx 2pm this afternoon.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Looks awesome!! Especially the kitchen! Gorgeous!!!!