Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Fun

Miss Sydney Grace Jameson in
her very first Easter dress.

Easter morning we were greeted by a very interesting snowstorm that threatened to make the day feel more like Christmas and continued on and off throughout the day.

After Church (which was lovely with all the music and lilies you could wish for) and a stop in at the Immanuel Youth Group's Easter Breakfast (complete with the famous Egg Bake and French Toast Sticks), we headed for Gret and Leon's to celebrate with some great food and relaxing fun.

The photos that follow don't begin to capture all of the day. I even discovered something new about my daughter.... she had NEVER seen the Disney classic, "The Swiss Family Robinson!" I can't begin to imagine how we overlooked that part of her childhood! So, of course, Leon and I (who are "experts" on this film) had a blast telling her what was coming next as we watched it on the Hallmark channel. What a hoot! Do you all remember the ostrich race? Or the rather hilarious battle vs. the pirates (who spoke no language anyone could recognize) that included a tiger pit? Well, friends, it is high time to revive this classic!

Sydney stayed dressed in her Easter finery long enough for me to snap about 50 adorable shots of her... no, I won't post them all here. But I will put up several.

A pretty table set for a feast.

"Whoa...here comes grandma with that camera!"

"Okay... I'll smile for one...and then
maybe she'll go take a photo of Bailey!"

"What do you mean I'm too little to look for an Easter basket??!"

"So who gets all my candy? Daddy?! That's not fair!"

"Well, forget it then.... I'm going to take a nap!!"

Finally, no holiday would be complete without a shot of the cooks. Gret and Ed were in their very best form as they prepared roast leg of lamb, grilled potatoes, Waldorf salad, oven-roasted asparagus, and carrot cake. Last November they had fun comparing their tummies... but it would appear that Ed has regained his lead in that category, too, as measured (sort of) in the kitchen on Sunday!

We hope your Easter was happy in every way!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Cool photos! Sydney looks so cute!