Syd learned to enjoy soil (yes, she calls it soil (as in "soy'-ill") not dirt) this evening. We were together after school and had stopped to get a few more herbs for the garden. We let her pick out a geranium to plant. Thus began her new love affair with "soy-ill". For almost 2 hours she sat on a stone happily moving dirt from one spot to another. It was fascinating to sit there and listen to her singing happily to herself while moving dirt. We should ALL be so contented! Our little garden buddy is well on her way to a lifelong love of digging!
Okay, what is it about kids and dirt? Rhy has spent the last week, sitting out back in a big dirt pile, moving dirt from one bucket to another. FOR HOURS. How is this fun??
I don't know.... but I think it has something to do with magic! :-)
And you can always say you're helping to develop her fine motor skills!
My kids still love to play with soil! LOL! Now they are busy planting stuff, though! We already have peas and lettuce coming up!
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