Saturday, July 22, 2006

Stormy St. Louis

The past few days in St. Louis have been legendary weather-wise. We've had record heat. Then we had some whoppingly huge storms roll through on Wednesday night and again on Friday. We got through round 1 relatively unscathed... just a few fallen limbs etc. Then Friday morning brought round 2... yikes! Winds gusted from 50-80 mph and knocked out our power around 10am. We remained without power until 11-ish on Sat. Definitely meant the fridge got cleaned out, and we spent a night with our candles lit. Fortunately it also cooled down by quite a bit.. which is a blessing as some 400,000 area residents are looking at another 3-5 days without power. We are keeping our fingers crossed in St. Charles that the grid holds. Every now and then you can hear the boom of a transformer blowing... and you kind of hold your breath!

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