Monday, July 28, 2008

Courage in Multiple Forms

Well, it's been a bit since my last post... and an interesting past 5 days to say the very least. The topic of this post is "courage".... at least I think that's where I'm headed with it. First I need to brag on Asher. He spent the first 3 weeks he was here being "afraid" of the pool even though last summer he would leap into it with total abandon. However, on his last day here before he went to Michigan for a visit, he "remembered" how to swim in his magic coat! He's back from Michigan for another week here, and now we only have to worry about him turning into a little prune in the pool. He paddles around happily humming to himself and feeling very proud. That is true courage on his part... and we're so happy he "remembered" his love for water.

Asher happily bobs about in the pool.

That brings us to the other form of "courage". I went to see the foot doc on July 18 about pain I'd been having in my right foot. Turns out, my joint in my big toe was slowing wearing away and if I had waited much longer, I'd have been looking at joint replacement. (Not a fun thought nor a perfected technique at this point. So I scheduled the necessary surgery as soon as I could get it. That happened on July 24th and I have spent the next 4 days pretty much flat on my back with it elevated. The surgery itself was cake... I didn't feel a thing. The aftermath was about as bad as I expected.... pretty darn painful! However, today I went in to have it checked and re-wrapped, and I "graduated" to a boot - a.k.a. a "walking cast"- which I will have to drag about with me wherever I go until August 8th. I was fairly bummed by this news. The pool, as you can see, is looking lovely and it's warm, and now it's off limits for at least another 10 days! Plus, I will be on limited activity until I'm back at school. Okay, I am done whining now... for awhile. I am grateful to have saved the joint, grateful for a good surgery, and grateful that I can at least laugh about it. So here's to courage - both great and small.... and the lessons it is teaching us about what we are truly capable of doing. Huzzah!

My boot... yes, there's a foot in there somewhere!


DawnK said...

Yikes! I'm trying to avoid ever having to wear a pneumatic walker. That thing must be hot. So far, my contact with them has only gone so far as having to put them on other people, since I work as a nurse in a walk-in clinic. I'm glad your foot is going to be okay.

I had a foot surgery about 11 years ago, since I had a bone spur at the base of my big toe on my R foot. I didn't need to wear such fancy footwear, only needing a post-op shoe. I was so glad I had the surgery done, because the bone spur was quite painful and after the pain from the surgery got better, I could walk much better, than I could before that. It was during my spurt as a stay-at-home mom, so I got to recover from the surgery without worrying about a job. It did feel much better, for a long while, to keep my foot elevated, though. So, is this giving you extra time to get some knitting done, or is too hot in St. Louis, to knit?

Asher looks so cute in his magic jacket! That keeps him nice and safe in the water.

C Staude said...

I love hearing from you! We have SO much in common; piano, knitting, etc. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your name on there? I'd love to connect more frequently! I peeked at your monthly dishcloth KAL page, what a COOL idea! The time in the boot HAS given me a knitting drive; made a new string bag, 2 dishcloths, and should finish a shawl today!