Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Taters of the Lost Ark

Our grandsons are staying with us while in the process of moving from Wisconsin to Michigan. This is giving us all kinds of new opportunities... not only to enjoy them 24/7 but also to learn the finer points of superheroes! Today we went to Target and came home with their current favorite... Indiana Jones!!! We have two versions now... the 6 yr old version, complete with interchangeable hands, extra pistols and a crystal skull (Grandma and Papa are totally behind the times and haven't even seen the latest film!)
And we have the 2 yr. old version... also with interchangeable hands, a golden 'potato skull', and a HAT that plays the Indiana theme music! How cool is that?! So there we went, rocking through the local Target singing Indiana Jones music at the top of our lungs. (So maybe that's why Papa walked ahead of us by just a slight distance??? hmmm....) In any case.... it's such fun to learn new things from our grandsons!


Katrina said...

Oh, you guys are sooo cute! I miss my jones boys! ;) Glad to see that grandma and papa are spoiling you both rotten! Hee hee! Love you!

Katrina said...

those look awesome! I want one!! I love and miss you guys!!

Daddy :)

DawnK said...

LOL! I'm even more out of the loop. I had no idea there were Indiana Jones potato heads! LOL! They look cool, though, and nice that you could buy each buy an Indiana Jones thing!