Monday, May 26, 2008

A Big Day at LHS

For some of my readers this will seem a bit like a trip down nostalgia lane. Yesterday was graduation day at Lutheran High School. All morning the weather looked dismal and it looked like the kids' festivities would be swampy and miserable. However, about 2pm the skies magically cleared and the sun (and thus the humidity) came out. So by 3 pm it was gorgeous and until about 7:30pm it remained that way! All 95 kids had a grand day to celebrate. Parents were proud, teachers were proud, students were FREE! All in all, a good day! Below is a shot of them on their senior retreat last September. They are off to 39 different colleges and garnered over 1.7 million dollars in accepted scholarships. Not a bad way to end a school year! Hats off to you, class of 2008!

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