Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thoughts on the End of a School Year

Tomorrow I will finish my 26th year of teaching school. Sobering thought for late on a Thursday night. It's been a good year and it's taught me things about myself and as well as (hopefully) teaching things to my students. I've worked really hard this year to be as positive as I can be and to not let the "little nagging things" of life get to me. And for the most part, that's helped me a lot! I've done more reading than I have in years past and somewhat more writing (albeit a good deal of it in an online/electronic form). My students were fun and I will miss most of them. (also a good thing to be able to say at the end of a year.) Funny, I have been connected with school and teaching so long that my year always feels like it ends in May and begins again in August regardless of what the calendar says about Jan.1st. And those 2.5 months of bliss in between? Ah.. my friends, those are the Elysium Fields of education; SUMMER! The pool is open, the ice tea is made, and I say, "Bring it on!"

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Happy summer! I must say, it is very strange for me to have off this summer too ... the first summer I've had off since ... well ... probably since college -- and I worked most of those summers too! So maybe, since high school!!! WOW!