Saturday, May 03, 2008

How Knitting is like Life

As most of you know, I love to knit. I love it for a variety of reasons ranging from the smile I get from a grandchild the first time they try on a pair of new wooly mittens all the way to my inability to snack and knit at the same time (which makes TV watching a safer dietary activity.)
I knit in the car, I knit in the park, and I knit pretty much any place I can. All this knitting also allows me time to think and unwind... or unwind and think... whichever is less stressful at the moment.

Knitting is a great deal like life... sometimes the going is smooth and the stitches come out beautifully, and other times the pattern is confusing and you find yourself having to back up and start over. (I must say that do-overs are a bit easier in knitting). Finding your work has flaws can be a painful thing... especially if you've gone several rows PAST the error before realizing you've made it. The colors of the yarns usually relate to the mood you are in... or the special person you are knitting for... so in that area, knitting makes you a bit more sensitive to others. Life is that way too... it doesn't always go smoothly, it finds ways to teach us patience and awareness, and making mistakes is a painful lesson sometimes.

I have this theory that if more people in higher places took up knitting, the world might be a different place. I suspect it might; they might have more time to ruminate on things before acting or making big decisions. Hmmmm... I wonder if Hilary or Barak or John ever picked up a pair of needles?


Katrina said...

Cool post! Very thought provoking indeed! And I especially love the cutie in the awesome sweater! ;)

kleinbeck said...

Have you read "Friday Night Knitting Club?"
Its a cute little book that I am sure I would have enjoyed a million times more if I was a knitter. :)

+gmjameson said...

Sometimes, do you just let the mistake "stay put" as part of the design and notice that, when the full project is complete, nobody much notices the small error ... hmmm. I've heard of the book Alaina referenced! You should read it.

DawnK said...

I love to knit, although, it seems I mostly do dishcloths. I did knit a pair of socks, this past year.

Asher sure looks cute in his sweater! Great job!

Most of the time I can't let a mistake go, especially if it affects the number of stitches I'm knitting with!

I loved Friday Night Knitting Club and also all the Blossom Street books by Debbie Macomber.