Thursday, January 07, 2010

Epiphany gift? SNOWDAY!

Last night the snow began falling about 6pm and this morning we awoke to our first snowday of the season. What a gift!
Now don't be thinking that we had a TON of snow... if you want to see true snowday justifiable amounts click on my daughter Kate's blog in my sidebar and THERE you will see snow! If we got anything like that here in St. Louis we'd be off school for a WEEK! However, we got about 3 inches and it was VERY cold and windy which made it a challenge for Missouri road crews; thus we got a snowday. Here is the view of our backyard taken from the dining room window.

Although the day always goes faster than the typical workday, we got a huge amount of stuff done in our home. First we took down the Christmas Tree, then we rearranged the living room (something we've both wanted to do for awhile but hadn't realized we both wanted to!). Now the next two photos will only be meaningful to folks who've been in our living room recently, but since most of you are the people who read this, that will be okay. The piano has officially escaped from the deep corner at the far end of the room, and it REALLY changes the look of the room!
Chas, however, is not sure he likes all the furniture being moved and was a really whiney pain in the pahtoot all day. Greyhounds do not like change. Next, I cleaned and reorganized my china closet (sorry, no photos of that), and then I sat and watched the snow blow past the window while I sipped hot coffee and Ed made soup (another snowday tradition around here). Ahhhh! Good day!

These are the new wristwarmers that I finished last night. I never realized how much warmer you are when your wrists are cozy! I am definitely going to make more of these and some for my daughters and friends as well. I guess it makes sense if running cool water on your wrists cools you off in the summer, then warming them should work to make you cozier in the winter.

Ed, "Soupman", Staude - flavor of the day: roasted cabbage/vegie soup...
made our whole house smell wonderful all day long!


Katrina said...

What fun! I love the new look of the living room! And I was jealous of you guys yesterday, as I had to drive around town in blowing snow ... at least four more inches fell during the day ... but my three trips to school STILL had to happen because school wasn't canceled. You couldn't see the roads and everyone was driving 10 mph and sliding everywhere. Ugh.

DawnK said...

The wrist-warmers are gorgeous! Sheboygan officially got 7.1 inches of snow, the other day, but we did NOT get a snow day or a 2-hour delay! School and the clinic stayed open as usual.

I have one fingerless mitt done and need to work on the 2nd one!

That must have been fun skimming down the hall!