Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stuff I Will Never "Get"

This is more of a list and a response to the events of yesterday and today. If it seems a tad "rant-ish" feel free to pass on reading this one, but I just had to write these down, if only for myself.

There is a growing list of things I don't "get" as I become older. Maybe it's senility on my part, but somehow the logic escapes me on some of this stuff and I just wonder if I'm the only one who sees the world this way. (very likely... oh well...)

Here goes:
Stuff I Don't "Get" - Part One

1. Folks who make comments about M.L.King day as if it's somehow a huge personal insult to them that America chooses to celebrate coming through the Civil Rights movement with just a bit more dignity, fairness, and justice for others. Frankly, I don't get anyone who fails to see that for over 2 centuries our nation tolerated injustice based solely upon the color of man's skin (and that there are those who would tolerate seeing that continue into the present); and that to celebrate the life of someone who made us "wake up and smell the racist coffee" is not a bad thing to do and might even inspire us to do better than we are. So I guess I don't "get" stubborn and persistent racism.

2. Folks who can say, "Oh well, Haiti is so poor, that even if we help them, it won't come close to fixing their problems... it's more like pouring money down a toilet!" Yup, heard that one this week... can't believe I heard it (and from whom) but bleeding heart (liberal) Christian that I feel I must be, I can't escape that time Jesus said, "Whenever you did it for the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me." - so I guess I will continue to flush $ away... thus, I don't get self-righteous selfishness.

3. Reactions to the Republican win in Massachusetts today as being a slap to our President and a way to block health care reform. (I guess this is technically TWO things) Personally, I don't see why anybody would want to root for the "big business" conglomerate that is the American Health Insurance system. Their stocks shot through the roof today on the news from Massachusetts... (cha-ching!) can you hear them counting their profits already? Why are we so willing to believe that big business wants to treat us well, but that our government does not? Why are so many people excitedly hoping to see our President be a failure? Something is wrong with how angry everyone gets about all of the above... and I don't get it. 30 million people have nowhere to go if they get sick and most of us are one or two paychecks from being in serious financial trouble if WE become that sick person... yet we continue to bet on the notion that our big business and their lobbyists will work for US. Hah! Not likely! I'd rather bet on a guy I elected and can un-elect being made to work for me than my insurance company which can jack my rates without even asking me or tell me I am suddenly uninsurable if I become seriously ill. I don't get it.

4. Finally, on a lighter note, I don't get why grown men paint "family cars" to look like hopped up roadsters... this was one I saw in the parking lot at Petsmart tonight. A chap in his obvious late-30's pulls up in a PT Cruiser with flame detailing all around the wheel hubs and on the hood. It looked so totally stupid that I laughed out loud. Let's face it, it was NOT a roadster, a race car, or anything close! It's a PT CRUISER... they cruise; they don't race. (but maybe he sits inside it going "vroom vroom" as he heads to Petsmart... I dunno)

So there's my list.. for this week... will probably be adding more as time passes. Thanks, fellow readers, if you managed to put up with this old lady and her ramblings.


+gmjameson said...

I like this post, Mom. And I appreciate you sharing your POV!

DawnK said...

Good comments. I share your views on all those issues. I donated a little bit to Haiti. It feels like not enough, but it's better than nothing.

I've seen PT Cruisers around here, too, with flames! I just wouldn't spend my money on that! LOL!