Sunday, March 28, 2010

Loss, Gain, Faith and Hope

"For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." -Phil. 1:21
Have had a very faith-challenging week. Our family is wrapping itself around one member, a dear brother-in-law/uncle/friend, who is facing the news that the cancer is winning and that the days before his heavenly homecoming are few in number. It was shocking and yet not, heart-wrenching and yet hopeful, and certainly a week filled with prayers and tears. So we hug one another a lot these days, and find our source of solace and bravery in the promises of God and the love we share with one another. The time we have has suddenly become even more precious as we are even more aware of how swiftly it passes. In the middle of all the things that don't seem to make sense right now, one thing is rock-solid clear for us... God is good, His love is ever sure, and He is faithful in his promises to all of us. However deep the hurt, he holds us close; and however fearful the journey, the doorway to heaven is but a step away from all of us so we are always near to God and to each other even when it feels like this separation to come is huge chasm.  Keep Jon, Kathy, and all of us close in prayer in the days ahead. It helps us to know our friends are near in prayer.

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