Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Soup, Snow, & Slimmer

It's been an interesting past 3 days. St. Charles was hit by a reasonably good-sized snowstorm on Monday night that continued into Tuesday and made roads nasty until Wednesday. This resulted in 2 snowdays for Ed & I. Well, only for Ed, actually. I have been attending the Midwest Educational Technology Conference on Monday through Wednesday of this week. It was an awesome educational experience that would have (could have?) cost me three days of teaching time. Thanks to the snow, it only cost me one.

Meanwhile, we've been hunkering down and enjoying how pretty everything looks covered in the white stuff. Time to make soup! I made veggie soup on Sunday night. And since I haven't posted a photo of myself lately, I made Ed take a shot of me while I cooked it. So you can see the newer, down-sized version of me while I am doing something I rarely do... cooking! Wish you could smell the soup... it was delicious!


Katrina said...

You look great mom! Way to go! And wow .. you guys have SNOW on the ground! Way to go Missouri! ;)

DawnK said...

Yum! The soup looks delicious and you look nice, too!

Wisconsin has plenty of snow. It hasn't even snowed in a while! I can't wait for it to start melting. I want to see the grass and mostly I want to be able to see cars coming on sidestreets. There's one curvy sidestreet, where I had to hurry out of someone's way today. Argh.